2012 m. birželio 19 d., antradienis

Kalno pamokslas

 1Matydamas minias, Jėzus užkopė į kalną ir atsisėdo. Prie jo prisiartino mokiniai. 2 Atvėręs lūpas jis mokė:
3 „Palaiminti turintys vargdienio dvasią: jų yra dangaus karalystė.
4 Palaiminti liūdintys: jie bus paguosti.
 5 Palaiminti romieji: jie paveldės žemę.
6 Palaiminti alkstantys ir trokštantys teisybės:
 jie bus pasotinti.
7 Palaiminti gailestingieji:
jie susilauks gailestingumo.
8 Palaiminti tyraširdžiai: jie regės Dievą.
9 Palaiminti taikdariai:
jie bus vadinami Dievo vaikais.
10 Palaiminti persekiojami dėl teisybės:
jų yra dangaus karalystė.
11 Palaiminti jūs, kai dėl manęs jus niekina ir persekioja bei
meluodami visaip šmeižia. 12 Būkite linksmi ir džiūgaukite, nes
jūsų laukia gausus atlygis danguje. Juk lygiai taip kadaise
persekiojo ir pranašus".
Mt 5, 1-12

 And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples
came to Him.
2 Then He opened His mouth and taught them,
3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
     For they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
For they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for
For they shall be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
For they shall obtain mercy.
8  Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called sons of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for
righteousness' sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
     11 "Blessed are you when they revile and perse­cute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely
      for My sake.
      12 "Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the
      prophets who were before you.

1 Jezus, widząc tłumy, wyszedł na górę. A
gdy usiadł, przystąpili do Niego Jego u-
czniowie. 2 Wtedy otworzył usta* i nauczał ich
tymi słowami:               
3 «Błogosławieni ubodzy w duchu*, albo­-
wiem do nich należy królestwo niebieskie.
4 Błogosławieni, którzy się smucą, albo-
­wiem oni będą pocieszeni.
5 Błogosławieni cisi, albowiem oni na włas-
­ność posiądą ziemię.
6 Błogosławieni, którzy łakną i pragną sprawiedliwości, albowiem oni będą nasyceni.
7 Błogosławieni miłosierni, albowiem oni miłosierdzia dostąpią.
8 Błogosławieni czystego serca, albowiem
oni Boga oglądać będą.
9 Błogosławieni, którzy wprowadzają po­-
kój, albowiem oni będą nazwani synami Bo-
10 Błogosławieni, którzy cierpią prześlado­-
wanie dla sprawiedliwości, albowiem do nich należy królestwo niebieskie.
11 Błogosławieni jesteście, gdy wam urągają
i prześladują was i gdy z mego powodu mówią kłamliwie wszystko złe o was. 12 Cieszcie się i
radujcie, albowiem wielka jest wasza nagroda w niebie. Tak bowiem prześladowali proroków*,
którzy byli przed wami.

2012 m. birželio 16 d., šeštadienis

No words, no ideas, no deals and no future!!!

The governmets officialy counted life time limit for that kind of the buildings is 100 years!!! Look and say - maybe 50, 55, 60 or ?
Is that so long? Where are the extention regions in the city planing which must be prepared for the future contruction sites after the colapse of that kind of the structures? No planing, no managament only the reality which is seen by our eyes. 

2012 m. birželio 8 d., penktadienis

An artistic view on the river THEMS

Good pictures to make future artist's paintings. A history which is created by H.M. on our eyes!!!

2012 m. birželio 6 d., trečiadienis

Expanding projects of Vilnius town, Lithuania

Vilnius town plans for the future.

Prefabricated slabs energy efficiency

The main idea of the brand of energy savings is that energy efficiency of the prefabricated slabs is very low. Year after year the prices for the energy recourses are going higher and the big players in the world market such as China, India need more and more resources for their economy. In nowadays Lithuania there is a thousand square meters of the living houses which need much energy for heating and they are still without the renovation which can reduce amount of the heating energy. For that time the renovation is made only from the outside of the building. Such method is more expensive comparison with the insulation inside the building (I still haven‘t counted yet).
Look at the figure 1. Here you can see the empty places in the connection of the two slabs (figure 1). So if we may check those places we can refill them with the insulation material (spray into the checked empty spheres). It isn‘t enough so the wall in the connection corners (the most unprotected sphere for heating losses) must be covered with the insulation material. What still I need for my researches:
I must find the equipment for the detection of the closed sphere of the slabs;
The insulation coverage construction (I still have it in my mind);
The costs of the project;
The ways present it for the market.



This figure 2 shows the the insulation process. The prices for the energy at that time were low. Nobody counted the costs of heating. The quality of work was very poor; insulation materials lifetime was 8 years and even so they were not supplied at time. The incoming heating water for the radiators was 95 Celsius. Now the coming heat is approximately 60-70C. The prices for the heating are very high and they are going to be much more. 
The energy losses are very high. The connections are not of needed size, materials are not of such quality as it is needed (the sand with the cement isn‘t an efficient heating resistance). Look figure 3. 


The process of assembling (figure 4, 5)




At Figures 6 and 7 you can see the places of heating losses .