Vision & Mission - the history of the Vilnius region of Lithuania in the European context, the political, social, religious, cultural and economic aspects. People on the other - linguistic, ethnic, social, economic and religious factors. Conflicts and contradictions Solutions - The European experience. Ethnic monitoring - children's education, training, communication between the generations. Real estate - houses, apartments. Energy efficency.
2013 m. rugsėjo 27 d., penktadienis
59 circles around the sun, 59 falls, 59 hello every year, 59 questions "... to be or not to be ...", 59 answers ".. yes ... to be, 59 and more going to the future. Answers to all those who are surrounding me - you are my beloved ones, I need every one of you, I send my chiers and say be with me!!! Tomorrow, today and for ever!!!
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