2020 m. gruodžio 4 d., penktadienis

 Justineles poezija!!!


2020 m. lapkričio 24 d., antradienis


2020 m. lapkričio 10 d., antradienis




Naujas 2020 lapkričio 11 dienos anekdotas. "Rusai - taikdariai" (prisimink Prūsiją)

A new 11/11/20 joke. "Russians - peackepers" (remember Prusia). 

2020 m. lapkričio 9 d., pirmadienis

The after II World War, during (the active resistance 1944 - 1953. Beside the rebellion in 1941. 06.22) the soviet occupation (which last 1940 - 1991) more than 18 819 partisans were arested (detained) for fighting for the Independence of Lithuania. From that part 12 459 were citizens who resisted to cruel and despotic force. Supported by the citizens the war against the soviet terror took part in the woods of Lithuania. The losses were colossal for the nation of three million. Total 20 101partizans died in the battles for the humanity in their native motherland. Total losses in the Baltic states (Lithuania. Latvia and Estonia) were enormous.

 Together we who live on the shoes of Baltic States are around six million - a little more than one million inhabitants - Estonia, Latvia over two and Lithuania over three. Nowadays a big task to find all who were fighting against occupation - unknown heroes who fight for Freedom of their native land. Nowadays we are like the last Mohicans, the for-post of democracy standing on the shore of Baltic sea.

  Those who opposed the soviets of Stalins Russia were brutally executed. The eastern cruel manner of humiliating the dead corps of the partizan's and those who opposed the regime were frown on the ground in the public places (such as cities markets). The Stalin regime left only tears and heart braking human loses. We respect our heroes. The sentence is: "The deaf was, the God shall judge"


Lietuvoje 1944-1952 m. laikotarpiu buvo suimta 18 819 partizanų, iš kurių 12 459 buvo pogrindžio kovotojų rėmėjai. Per visą partizaninio karo laikotarpį, Lietuvoje žuvo 20 101 partizanas (www.lggrtc.lt informacija). Partizanai/Lietuvos laisvės kovotojai/miško broliai atstovavo ginkluotąją t.y. karinę-politinę rezistenciją savo krašte. Taigi, taikliu istoriko Bernardo Gailiaus pastebėjimu, Lietuva kariavo su Sovietų Sąjunga 1944-1953 metų laikotarpiu.

2020 m. spalio 19 d., pirmadienis


Gulėsiu aš, gulėsi tu,

 kažkur šalia kažkur abu.

Toliajam turgaus pakrašty

ten kur visi, ten kur toli.

Aukštai aukštai, o gal ir ne

surinksi tu ir aš šalia.

Žvaigždes visas, žvaigždes savas

kažkur toli, kažkur šalia.




2020 m. rugsėjo 9 d., trečiadienis


2020 m. balandžio 3 d., penktadienis

Vilnius first was mentioned as the city and the Capital of the Lithuania in 1323. The Great Duke of Lithuania Gediminas sent letters to the European Countries and invited the highly skilled persons to make investments in Lithuania, to come with their families and settle down in Lithuania. At that time Vilnius had fortifications to stand against the enemies surrounding our country. Especially the Crusaders who twice a year or more frequent times  fled fighting Lithuanian forces. We are the only country in Europe whom took the Christianity the last of all others (but not the least). Another big enemy were the mongols who attacked Europe. So we had three Castles. Crusaders didn't manage to conquer our city though the sedge of the Castles were as long as five weeks. Crusaders managed to destroy one of the Castle (named KREIVOJI (in Lithuanian that means it was as the wooden and not straight in form). We as country gained the gifts from the Almighty in the very good situation as the geographic and geological position. Two rivers surround our castles positions. In ancient times one of the rivers named as Vilnele surrounded our Castle hills. This name of the river gave the name to City - Vilnius.  

2020 m. kovo 19 d., ketvirtadienis

Vilnius, Seskines district,
empty after the emergency measures. I'm proud of my country we live as we fight against coronavirus Covid19.
Here we are. Russians now look as the Germans who were full of fantasy to take the whole World under their control. As I was a child I thought how Hitler dozen't knew about the winter colds. How did all German Army got cold somewhere near Volga river in Russia. Where were all generals, assistants not to see this tragic mistake. Yes now as I'm in my seventies as I saw everything about the chiefs and stakeholders commands. They ignore you, your thoughts. So does Mr. Putin as he is going to win the struggle for his power in Russia. As I want to say: Mr. Putin you ignore the Covid 19, so all your intentions are dead. Because on the April 22 your country will be full of sick people, much of deaths of the pandemic coronavirus. So look at the fate of the Stalingrad battle. Look not only Russians and their brave sacrifice for the Country but the Will of the Lord was to defeat Germans because of the cruelty of the german mentality at that point of History. So 46 degrees minus made all the 6th Army freeze in the Russia fields. So I'll look how the Russians will surrender under the press of the illness. How how it will bee that 75th ceremony on the Red Square will be the mess for Russian mentality!!!