2019 m. gruodžio 9 d., pirmadienis

Apie daugiabutyje esančio buto nuosavybės tęstinumą. I want to clarify the issue about prefabricated slabs apartments in an apartments buildings in Vilnius (Lithuania).

Tiek ne daug liko iki šv. Kalėdų ir Naujųjų 2020 Metų.
Noriu išsiaiškinti klausimą - mūsų daugiabučiai riboti laiko tekmėje. Remontas po remonto ... ateina laikas ir pilnam susidėvėjimui. Kiek suvokiu pagal rekomendacijas 100 metu. Pusė jau praėjo. Laikas lekia nenumaldomai. Kas domina - ar jums tas pat ar ne kas bus su daugiabučiais stambiaplokščiais namais. Ar jūs juose gyvenate ar ne. Tai bus ...perkurti ten pat, ar turime teisę į naują tokiu pat plotu ar ne, kas mus iškels ar mes patys išsikelsime avarinės būsenos vedami, ar žemė po daugiabučiais mūsų ar valstybės (ar valdininkų) - ar turėsime į ją teisę, ar mums paaiškins, kad privatizavome už "popieriukus" (o "talonai" turėjo tuo metu vertę). Ar valstybė dalyvaus perstatymo procese ar paliks visą naštą piliečiams (liberaliai) ar reguliuos (socialistiškai)? Rašyk, sakyk kur čia šuo pakastas. Išsipirkome kas už grynus kas už investicinius čekius (talonus) o žiūrėk kiek daug reguliuojama, kiek kišamasi tiesiogiai per nekilnojamo turto mokesčius - net paveldėjimo metu - (tuo pat metu lopant skyles "partijiniame" biudžete - kas kiek ir kur - partijų nuožiūra) tiek "reketuojant" ir ne tiesiogiai per administruojančias įmones. Va kiek išlaikytinių - ir ar tau leis ar neleis išradingai ir inovatyviai tvarkytis - nežinai .... Nežinai kiek tavo butelis daugiabutyje panašus i melžiamą karvutę - šeri, prižiūri, o melžia visi kas ne tingi. Klausiu: tai mes vakarai su asmenybės ir jo turto pagarba ir apsauga - laisve ir teisėmis, ... ar mes rytai - su išgėrusiais valdininkais ir jų "triuškinančiomis galiomis"  ir teisėmis. Jų galia trypti ir tave ir tavo privatų turtą (šiuolaikinės Maskvos pavyzdys. "Rytai protu nesuvokiami", o ką daro meška savo valdose mes matome ....)
Rašyk, komentuok, svarstyk, ... ieškokime protingo sprendimo verto ateities, gyvenimo tikslo, padoraus žmogiško gyvenimo.
Prašau tavęs atsakyk man į minimus žemiau klausimus:

1. Ar žemė po daugiabučiu pastatu gali būti privatizuojama?
2. Ar reikia kurti atskaitymus i fondą skirtą kompensuoti susidėvėjimą ir atskaitymus naujo pastato statybai atkuriant buvusią būklę ir ar taip sukuriant naują vertę.
3. Ar tam turi būti skirti sklypai jeigu reikės (ir kuomet) išsikelti I kitą vietą ("didmiesčių problema")?
4. Ar vienu metu statyti (skirtumas tarp sparčių statybų buvo ne daugiau nei 20-30 metų) vienu metu ir "suirs" ir ar bus tuo pat metų periodu išmontuojami ir perstatomi?
5. Jeigu stambiaplokščiuose daugiabučiuose gyvendama šeima uždirba Lietuvoje egzistuojantį darbo užmokesčio minimumą arba jeigu tai bus pensininkų šeima ar vieniši asmenys neturintys pajamų .... ir t.t. - kas kompensuos buto atstatymo kainą. Atminkim namo, buto susidėvėjimo metai nėra konstanta.
Komentaruose rašykite skaičius kurie jus domina išvardintose klausimuose.

Not much was left until St. Christmas and New Year.
I want to clarify the issue - our apartment buildings are limited in time. Repair after repair ... it's time for full wear and tear. How much do I realize by the recommendations in 100 years. Half is gone. Time is running inexorably. Who is interested - whether you are the same or not with apartment blocks of flats. Whether you live in them or not. It will be ... redesigned there, whether we have the right to a new area of ​​the same or not, who will raise us, whether we will move out in emergency, whether the land under our apartment buildings or our state (or officials) - will we be entitled to it? will explain to us that we privatized for "papers" (while "talons" had value at the time). Will the state participate in the transformation process or leave all the burdens on citizens (liberal) or regulate (socialist)? Write, say where the dog is hanged. We bought out something for cash for investment vouchers and look at how much is regulated, how much is intervened directly in real estate taxes - even during inheritance - (while closing holes in the "party" budget - what and where - at party discretion) racketeering ”and not directly through the administration companies. You don't know how many dependents - and whether you allow or not to invent and innovate - don't know .... Not knowing how much your bottle in an apartment is like milking a cow - feeding, looking after, and milking everyone is not lazy. I ask: these are the evenings with respect and protection of the personality and its property - freedom and rights, ... or we are the east - with drunken rulers and their "smashing powers" and rights. Their power to stumble upon you and your private property (the example of modern-day Moscow. "The East is incomprehensible to the mind," and what the bear does in our realms ...)
Write, comment, ... let's find a worthy future, a life purpose, a decent human life.
Please answer me on the questions below:

1. Can land under an apartment building be privatized?
2. Whether there is a need a fund to offset depreciation and deductions for the construction of a new building to restore its former condition and thereby create new value.
3. Do I have to have land plots if I need to move (and when) to another place ("metropolitan problem")?
4. Will simultaneous construction (the difference between rapid construction was no more than 20-30 years) simultaneously and "collapse" and will it be dismantled and remodeled during the same period of the year?
5. If the family living in a large apartment block earns the minimum wage that exists in Lithuania, or if it is a retired family or single person with no income .... and so on. - who will reimburse the cost of renovating the apartment. Remember home, the years of apartment wear are not constant.
In the comments, write down the numbers that interest you in the issues listed.
Thank you!!!!!

2019 m. liepos 19 d., penktadienis

Deap love of the Europian nations delivered through ages to the city which was, is, and will be the treasure of the Europe.

2019 m. liepos 5 d., penktadienis

2019 m. liepos 4 d., ketvirtadienis

The last but not the least!!!

The last (but not the least) bastion of the Positive, Democratic World!!!

The City of the Dawn Gates, which is like a bridge for the two nations - Poles and Lithuanians.

2019 m. liepos 3 d., trečiadienis

Visit my Vilnius (Lithuania!!!) I'll be happy to assist you and make your choise challenging of the new temptations.

2019 m. liepos 2 d., antradienis

I'm official guide!!!! Join me together!!!

Today I'm real guide in Lithuania, especially in my native town - Vilnius. I was born here, I graduated High School, my beloved school named after the great poet of Lithunia - Salomeja Neris. She taught us as the patriots of our Country. This city is beloved because I graduated the Civil Engineer Institute, became a Civil Engineer. Here I gained the masters degree in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - my beloved school. Thanks to all my teachers for their knowlidge opened many doors in my life!!!
Vivat Academia, Vivat Professores ...
 Esu oficialiai įteisintas gidas, kvieskit, užsakykit, dėl kainos susiderinsim (2,5 val. - 50EUR). Dovanokite savo artimiems ekskursijas.
I'm real official guide. You are welcom- individualy or with the groups of individuals (2,5 h. - 50EUR).
Я официально утвержденный туристический гид. Бронируйте для себя и своих близких (2,5 h - 50EUR)

2019 m. liepos 1 d., pirmadienis

Next object of interest in Vilnius - Presidental Palace

The Presidential Palace (Lithuanian: Prezidentūra), located in Vilnius Old Town, is the official office and eventual official residence of the President of Lithuania.
The Palace traces its history back to the 14th century, when Jogaila, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, issued an edict donating land in the city to the Vilnius Diocese, for this reason the palace is sometimes referred to as the Bishops' Palace.[1] Construction of the Palace took place in the late 14th century under the auspices of the first Bishop of Vilnius Andrzej Jastrzębiec, and over succeeding generations, the building was gradually enlarged and renovated. During the Renaissance, the Palace was once again renovated, and parks and gardens surrounding the building were expanded.

A nice place to visit. This structure talks to us the history of our fight for Independence. Now for the about thirty years we are Independent and have gain our responsibility for the future of our country, we can and are educating the new generation in the knowledge of history which is not written under the control of occupants but the history which we have written by the knowledge about the heroes and the simple people who shows us as an hard working nation which is now situated and is protected by the Countries of Europe, and USA and Canada (NATO). All we do for today is the voice in the choir of freedom loving Countries of the Europe. Long live European Union!!!!


2019 m. birželio 29 d., šeštadienis

Vilnius first was mentioned as the city and the Capital of the Lithuania in 1323. The Great Duke of Lithuania Gediminas sent letters to the European Countries and invited the highly skilled persons to make investments in Lithuania, to come with their families and settle down in Lithuania. At that time Vilnius had fortifications to stand against the enemies surrounding our country. Especially the Crusaders who twice a year or more frequent times  fled fighting Lithuanian forces. We are the only country in Europe whom took the Christianity the last of all others (but not the least). Another big enemy were the mongols who attacked Europe. So we had three Castles. Crusaders didn't manage to conquer our city though the sedge of the Castles were as long as five weeks. Crusaders managed to destroy one of the Castle (named KREIVOJI (in Lithuanian that means it was as the wooden and not straight in form). We as country gained the gifts from the Almighty in the very good situation as the geographic and geological position. Two rivers surround our castles positions. In ancient times one of the rivers named as Vilnele surrounded our Castle hills. This name of the river gave the name to City - Vilnius.